Monday, October 1, 2007

Richard Dawkins in Virginia

The famous British atheist, professor Richard Dawkins, was in Virginia over the weekend for a meeting of the Atheist Alliance. Dr. Dawkins frontally assaults monotheism and has been labeled "Darwin's Rottweiler" for his defense of evolution against creationism. Although Dawkins' sincereity is not at issue, he seems to come from what Buddhists would call the "worlds of anger and animality." His confrontational style, which precludes dialogue with Christians, Jews and Muslims who do believe in God, is counterproductive.

American, and indeed all, atheists might be interested to know that Buddhism is a religion which does not posit the existence of an external supreme being and whose doctrines - at least those of Mahayana and specifically Nichiren Buddhism - accord perfectly with science.

But it is notable to mention that, as different as the beliefs of Buddhists and monotheists are, Buddhist leaders such as the Dalai Lama and Dr. Daisaku Ikeda have found, and taken, many opportunities to engage in dialogue with Christians, Jews and Muslims. Dialogue between people of widely diverse views is critical. Dr. Dawkins would do well to investigate dialogue further.

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